Leslee Udwin talks | Sexual Violence | India’s Daughter |WahWoman www.wahwoman.in Nothing can be more delightful than meeting someone who could spark a global movement to make this world a better place, believing as the purpose of her life. I am absolutely thrilled to publish my conversation with Leslee Udwin, a multi-award-winning filmmaker (producer and director) and director, and CEO of Think Equal. She was named the second most Impactful Woman of 2015 by The New York Times, Hillary Clinton was number one. She was awarded the prestigious Swedish Anna Lindh Human Rights Prize, previously won by Madeleine Albright, and was named Safe’s Global Hero of 2015, Global Thinker by Foreign Policy. Her productions include films like East is East (1999), Mrs. Ratcliffe’s Revolution (2007), and West is West (2010), and groundbreaking documentary India’s Daughter (2015) and a human rights campaigner. Watch it Leslee Udwin,
Science and technology are often considered to be the forte of men. if I ask you to name few greatest scientists of all time, there are chances that you may end up telling only male scientists women are left off the roster, despite making a huge contribution to science and researches. In history, there are numerous female scientists who made crucial discoveries and inventions in the field of science. Joining me Melisa Lopez Anton, chair of the Spanish women scientists association in the US.
Indian Social Activist| Women activist in India| Social Worker Smita Vikhankar Woman For Woman- Social Worker Smita Vikhankar & Rajni Vohra (www.wahwoman.in) Volunteering is the commitment of time and energy, for the benefit of society and community, the environment, or individuals outside one’s immediate family. It is undertaken freely and without concern for financial gain. Your focus switches from yourself to other people. Your own life, for a while, fades into the background. One such large-hearted person Smita Vikankar joined us on WahWoman to share her perspective and her work towards feminine hygiene.
Women’s Networking Groups| Local support group| A Talk with Seema Tanwar & Rajni Vohra on WahWoman (www.wahwoman.in) Contents include: Women networking groups need in society Women networking challenges Value of women networking watch it
Is Women Empowerment the Cause of Divorce? Is Women empowerment a cause of the increasing divorce rates in India? Why are Divorces on a rise in India?
Women in Tech- Klorenta Janushi & Rajni Vohra (www.wahwoman.in) Why are just a few women in technology? How does it feel to be a woman heading a unit/department primarily in a male-dominated sector and what challenges one can expect? How can we encourage more inclusion, more women in tech- were few of the questions that led me to invite Klorenta Janushi, a cybersecurity expert at the Council of Ministers, #Albania on #WahWoman – A global women empowerment channel (www.wahwoman.in).
People around the world face violence and inequality just—because of their Sexual orientation and gender identity. Although a lot has been said and is being done, nevertheless, in many parts of the world, discrimination persists in various degrees- name-calling and bullying, to being denied a job or appropriate healthcare, the range of unequal treatment faced is extensive and damaging. Joined me on #WahWoman, to share her perspective on the same and about #LGBTQ rights Vanessa Jacqueline, a motivational speaker, writer, blogger, and social activist. Watch it
What is the right age to get married for girls? When to get married | The best age for marriage when should you get married? Is there any age to get married- marriage, marriage age, age, etc. A debatable topic indeed, especially during the 21st century. We discussed on WahWoman, www.wahwoman.in Host Rajni Vohra Guests – Meenakshi Ahuja, Rucha.S.Khot, Shubhangi Gupta, Dhanusha Ennergeet, Madhavi Menon, and Shreya Bhagat. WahWoman brings to you a series of such discussions and reflecting individuals’ perspectives, so stay tuned!
An inspirational woman| Power of woman Yanina Dubeykovskaya | the most inspiring women An inspirational woman| Power of woman Yanina Dubeykovskaya Yanina Dubeykovskaya – An influential woman talks on WahWoman with Rajni Vohra Yanina Dubeykovskaya, who dons many hats in her professional and personal life alike. Her motivational words have inspired many and influenced lives. She is an entrepreneur, humanitarian, leader and influential network, a Scientist, Doctor of philosophy, certified professional in psychoanalysis and communications – Mother of three and Grandmother of two. It was quite delightful and engaging to talk to her as a guest on WahWoman.
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