


Women & the World

Delfina is a Delicate Activist who designs educational and social innovation journeys. She is the initiator of Iniciativa Murmullo, which is born from the joint need of a community of professionals who considers their practice as the path of development, learning and growth. This community works steadily towards the inner life of social organizations to generate practical, reflective and collaborative practices, thus creating conditions conducive to life. She works for Vivir Agradecidos designing and facilitating an Evolutionary Learning Ecosystem with a team of colleagues. Her previous work was to design the content and train facilitators of learning communities in a School Climate and Emotional Education Program led by the provincial government of Buenos Aires for 2000 public schools. Delfina’s strategy is to hold sustainability of the viable spaces within organizations to generate systemic well-being. Communities of practice represent the container where synergy occurs in such a way that regenerates the social tissue of the system. She believes that we can work as a community to become the community we want to see in the world.

Rajni Vohra– Delicate activism is a newer and more radical term. How would delineate to those who are unversed with it? 

DelfinaTo understand more about the necessities of these times, to learn individually and collectively to respond wisely, we need to dive within ourselves to learn how to navigate and hold a complex, uncertain and ambiguous world with others. As a community, an institution or an organization learning to adapt to these particular times is an invaluable skill. We can do this by acting with the same mindset that has created the problems and the results we are having today or we can generate the awareness we need to become more resonant with life. 

Delicate activism is a phenomenological approach to change, as their authors, Sue Davidoff and Allan Kaplan, wrote “it is truly radical in that it is aware of itself, and understands that its way of seeing is the change it wants to see”.  Delicate activism is an invitation to realize how we are approaching activism, how we are approaching our practice and our work in the world. Is to understand that if our approach lies in a fixed theory we will be making meaning of the world as it is emerging only through that lens and we will be missing every other possibility there.

We can start, in these indelicate times, with our practice of observation that can play a healing role in the world. We need to make sense of the world experience to shed light on our responsibilities as humans.  It is important not to look for a management or controlling response,  opening up to become conscious of ourselves because that awareness is the generative force for transformation.

 Rajni Vohra– You are a social-emotional learning specialist who creates and holds safe spaces within organizations to generate systemic well-being. Let us know more about it.      

 Delfina– I do work mostly with educational institutions, NGO’s and software organizations. Each organization is an expression and part of a larger system. It is of fundamental importance to understand the larger system, the organization itself and the team or individual participating. What is their purpose, how are relationships, processes and structures in place playing out. What are the symptoms that are coming up because of the inner dynamic of the organization, what are the current practices that are nurturing and unleashing potentialities within the organization, what are those habits or narratives that must go in order to create a safe environment for growth, what are those practices that sustain an organizational culture infused with wellbeing.  All of these aspects show mainly the invisible forces that shape culture, capabilities and at the end of the day the results of an organization. If the organization makes space to learn from itself, to become aware of these dynamic forces playing out, it allows to create coherence between what the organization’s purpose is and the strategic actions they use to achieve it. This is a new way of attending to our potentialities as a collective, a way of designing the future.

Of course it starts from the individual, if leaders are available to change and take the responsibility to create relationships based on trust and respect, understanding that instant solutions ignited by fear are detrimental to the health of the organization at the medium and long run then the culture that starts unraveling is one infused with wellbeing. It becomes a positive cycle process,  by working together with these deep human values at the center of the team or community allows coherent answers to emerge for collective questions. Once this starts to happen the organization becomes the author of its own future by developing new practices and evolving with new demands.

 Rajni Vohra– We are currently living in times where a lot more is going through massive transition and turmoil that in turn leading to the emergence of a new set of unfamiliar challenges. How do you view the process of diversity , equality and inclusion in light of this current reality?  

Delfina– I think great opportunities come when we become conscious of what we have excluded, othered and ignored as individuals, as communities, as larger systems. This goes for ourselves in our inner movements such as emotions, needs , impulses and so on, but works as well when we expand to the groups we belong to, the organizations and societies.  

In my work I always imagine the organization or institution like a living organism that belongs to an evolutionary learning ecosystem and at the same time they are one as well. Where all beings involved in that ecosystem benefit by creating powerful and meaningful relationships with one another. Thriveability fundations for any ecosystem is the integration of the experience and mutual learning of all beings.

This biological concept applies to the social realm. The success of a community or organization lies in its capacity to learn and adapt. If there are participants of the organization that are being excluded, othered or ignored then the learning capacity of the organization is low. If an organization members are only like-minded people then its learning capacity is low. If the organization can not integrate its unseen or unheard its capacity for learning is low. All these aspects diminish the lifespan of an organization. Diversity is life, it is rich in itself and sets the nurturing soil for creativity, innovation , intelligence and adaptability. I am very much in favor of DEI practices that nourish any community or organization.      

Rajni Vohra– How do gauge the impact of your work at the fundamental level?                                                                                

Delfina-This is an interesting question, Heidegger wrote “ to let that which shows itself be seen from itself in the very way in which it shows itself from itself” I love this quote because it brings me back to what’s important. Thoughts and emotions, relational dynamics and so on are invisible, so then how do you measure them? If I try to measure that which is invisible with the same parameter of our analytic mind then I will miss the true impact of my work.

I have always struggled to measure my work for thus its impact is an effect not a result. Carol Sandford defines effects as “ truly indirect products of an action and can show up in systemic changes and will be invisible to anyone who hasn’t developed the capacity to look for them”. So I write about my work, I work a lot with phenomenology, with grounded theory, interviews, etc. I look for different ways to assess what really matters to me, what I want to show the world.

Rajni Vohra– Your learning from life…

Delfina– Wow this is a big question! I am learning from life to be patient, to allow life to guide me instead of pushing my own agenda. This learning has accompanied me throughout my life. I am very active and energetic, I see how I can get mixed up and become my own limitation. Today, I try to trust the process and be confident that life will present itself to guide me, if I manage to listen deeply, towards what she needs me the most.

Rajni Vohra -Thank you for talking to us!

Women & The World

Ankurita Pathak, Joint Director FICCI

Ankurita Pathak is a writer, occasional poet, TEDx speaker, a certified Life Coach& Trainer and a seasoned communications professional with 16 years of experience. A former journalist, she is currently working with
FICCI as Joint Director. A proud alumna of Cotton College, Guwahati, she is also a postgraduate in English from Delhi University.
Born in a quaint little town called Golaghat in Assam, her tryst with writing began as a 11-year-old, when her first poetry was published in the Northeast times. She has been regularly writing articles, poems,travelogues and short stories for newspapers, magazines, portals, and blogs. She, along with her brother has recently co-authored a coffee table book titled “Black Coffee & Metamorphosis”, which has been listed in the 10+ Hoppingo curated coffee table books alongside ‘Masterpieces of Indian Art by Alka Pandey’ and ‘National Geographic Rarely Seen’. She has co-
authored several books – Concerns & Voices, Dafodils, Pristine Scars, Dreams, GLOmag, to name a few.
A TEDx speaker, she has also been invited as an anchor, moderator, and keynote speaker by various organizations. Ankurita is also an Indian Achievers Forum Awardee.  She has also received special recognition for External PR from Toastmasters International and Leadership Excellence Award by KSLC.
A travel enthusiast and a perennial explorer, she loves food, fashion, people, and poetry. A momo lover and a coffee addict, she is a sucker for South Indian masala flicks and Korean dramas.
“Perfection is an Illusion, Striving for Progress in Life”- is her motto in life

A conversation with Ankurita Pathak

Rajni Vohra: Diversity brings an array of richness of experience along with it. Did you find being a polymath help you navigating through your professional path especially through challenging times?

Ankurita Pathak :Well, polymath is a heavy word! I am no polymath. I am just a perennial learner with a quest to learn new things. (Albeit it comes along with a roller coaster ride of procrastination and self-motivation!!! ��)
As I talk of learning, what American author Brian Herbert has said seems quite apt. “The capacity to learn is a gift. To learn is a skill. The willingness to learn is a choice.” Given the fluid nature of the times we are living in, almost everything is in a state of constant change. To cope up with the fast-paced world, we need to consciously make a choice to keep learning and updating our skill sets.
I feel it enriches our lives, both personally and professionally. It doesn’t necessarily be academic learning only. One can learn from people, experiences, and life in itself. We just need to create time and space to absorb and reflect on the lessons that life is bringing.
Professionally speaking, diversity in terms of what you are learning makes you open to changes and helps in adapting to different situations effectively. Challenges are inevitable but what matters is the way we
deal with them. With diverse knowledge and skill set, it makes you a more confident professional.

It is important that we invest in learning and self-development as it just doesn’t help us stay ahead of the curve but also aids in maintaining relevance in the industry.

Sometimes, it could also be beneficial to spend some time learning things beyond our chosen specialism. No learning goes waste, I feel. For me, it is also a feel-good factor that there is something new being added to life, improving it bit by bit and day by day. It is like a self-initiated form personal growth. Especially during the pandemic-stricken world, I have witnessed that it contributes a lot to your emotional, psychological, physical, and social well-being. It also keeps you away from the rigmarole of mundanity and boredom. It is, however, never enough! There is so much more to be, to do and to learn. Every turn in life could come with a new twist, a new challenge, a new demand. Like you say, one should never stop learning as life never stops teaching. I feel it is important to acknowledge the small, incremental steps that you take for your own betterment. It is definitely a race in the fast-moving world but most importantly, it is a race with oneself- moving from where we were to where we could be, even if it is a little everyday.

Rajni Vohra: The debate of having women in various leadership roles has become more pertinent & critical now than possibly ever before as we still don’t see enough representation of
women leaders in every domain, every sphere even in 21st century. How do you reflect on it?

Ankurita Pathak: It is a clear-cut case of lost opportunities, lost possibilities, and lost potential, when half of the demography is not at par with the other half. This is a time when we are witnessing how women
leaders transforming the world – in communities, businesses, and political positions. Women are clearly
redefining outdated ideas of what it means to be an effective leader. I would say that things are changing for the better in terms of gender equality, but we are still a long way from what it
should have been vis-à-vis where we are now. There are several factors in play that leads to the existing gender gap. From unconscious biases to stereotyping, discriminating mindsets to unfavorable systemic frameworks, unequal pay to lack of mentors, family responsibilities to unrealistic expectations, the list is endless. To add to all these, the COVID 19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted women across the world, losing an estimated $800 billion globally in financial earnings, according to a Forbes report. It will not be wrong to say that whatever we had achieved in terms of gender equality has not just been stalled but has been reversed to a great extent.

In this time, it is more relevant than ever that more and more women are placed in leadership roles. Diversity of thought and experience will definitely pave way for better, more profitable, more sustainable, and more effective organisations.
From the leadership roles, with positions of influence, power and authority, women will be able to build a more inclusive and supportive world, be inspirational role models and pave the way for future generations to forge pathways for a fair, just and equitable world. This reminds me of what Melinda Gates rightly points out, “women are not just victims of a broken world; they can be architects of a better one.”

Rajni Vohra: You have been sort of a proponent in promoting financial literacy for women. Let’s know more about your endeavours in this direction?

Ankurita Pathak: COVID 19 has taught us several things. And one of the most crucial lessons that it has taught us is the importance of financial literacy. With the vulnerability and uncertainty looming large, we very well understood that lack of financial planning intensifies the challenges.
In general, too, managing money in the midst of life’s other priorities is no easy task, especially for women. Personally speaking, it seems one specific area which seems truly overwhelming, intimidating, and daunting.
While I am well aware of the importance of financial literacy, I have always avoided understanding the nuances or perhaps controlling financial matters, most often depending on parents and then the husband to take care of it.

It is not that I do not have the capacity to take matters in hand but its just seems to take a back seat amongst the other priorities in life.
This is mostly because since my childhood, this was never a life skill that I was keen on learning. Looking back, I realise that there was no concerted effort to include financial literacy as a part of our educational
curriculum or as a part of our growing up process. Children are now growing up in an increasingly complex
world where they eventually need to take charge of their own financial future. They should know how to make wise financial decisions to live financially secure lives and for their overall well being too.
I can see that this need is now gaining the attention of parents, the community, organisations and by some
children as well.

Recently, I came across a SKILLEDWISE, an Edtech firm that has taken up the onus of spreading knowledge and awareness on the importance of financial literacy especially for kids and at the same time, designing
customised curriculum for children of various age to teach the nuances of “Money Matter.” I regularly interact with the brains behind this endeavour- a highly motivated group of professional bankers, accountants, investment managers and entrepreneurs, and there is so much to learn from them. They have been doing commendable work in this direction, a cause that I strongly believe in.

Rajni Vohra: Life has taught you…

Ankurita Pathak: Life has been the biggest teacher for me. There are innumerable learnings that I have imbibed from life.
The biggest lesson from life is humility. We are just a small speck in this entire cosmos and the sooner we realise this, the easier our lives become. I have also learnt to believe in progression over perfection.
Like Salvador Dali had said “Have no fear of perfection–you’ll never reach it.”
One more thing that I would like to highlight is that we have been often told that life is a race and if we don’t run, we will be trampled and lost eventually. I agree that life is a race, but it is a race with yourself and not others. The key is to work on becoming a better version of oneself rather than trying to become someone else or mindlessly comparing with others. A pandemic induced key learning is to focus on mental
and physical health. We have learnt it the hard way but there is no second thought to the importance of these two aspects of life. Last but not the least, make work life balance an integral part of your life. Setting the right boundaries is important. You can be replaced in your workplace, but you cannot
replace yourself in your life!

Rajni Vohra: Thank you for talking to us!

Women & The World

Women & The World

Angele Bučyte, (PhD), has been working at the European Commission and European Parliament, she is the reserve civil servant of EU institutions and Country chair Ecocivilisation Lithuania.
Recently, she works with her own consultancy European Technology Policy, preparing the Horizon Europe project proposal for EU Green Deal, and in consulting the Lithuanian Government on the green transition.
Angele is the pro-bono Pro-Rector of the Brussels Academy of Justice, working for bringing the Western democracies to the countries of the Eastern Partnership, in particular to South Caucasus.

Prof. Angele Bucytec

Rajni Vohra : What is the current major issue that remains unaddressed and can have a massive turnaround in the World if addressed?

Angele Bucytec :The major current issue relates to the core of the recent economic system, to the so-called neoliberal approach to economics, providing for a profit-first versus people-first approach, leading to unjustified asymmetries in wealth, the connection of business with politics, social and economic injustice, other asymmetries, including women rights and true equality between men and women, over-exploitation of nature and the climate change. The neoliberal approach to economics, established by the so-called Washington consensus of 1970, also led to the erosion of human-to-human connection, while putting stress on self-interest and individuality, and the erosion of empathy, and kindness, which are very core of every human being. The erosion of the human dimension has been called one of the major major global risks by many international organizations, e.g., the World Economic Forum, and the World Bank. We blame the recent economic system for the climate crisis. Several thinkers agree that without changing the fundamentals of recent capitalism, we will not be able to become carbon neutral, because the profit and lobby are stronger the nature. Without changing the economic system, we will not be able to become fully peaceful, to ensure the true cooperation of differences, e.g. of different economic and political systems. It will be a never-ending battle for influence and for profit, leading us to see others as the competitors-enemies. The need for change has been well understood after the 2008-2009 crisis, with the Wall Street movements, and with the rise of other grass-root initiatives. Pope Francis has also called for a change in its encyclics Laudato Si and All Brothers. The need is here, as shown also by the survey related to Laudato Si encyclical, I did for my research, showing that more than 80 percent of the world’s population would welcome the Capitalism 2 model of the economy, with nature, social justice, people-first approach, basic income and development needs to be at the core of it. Another research, I did, for Europa 2020 strategy, has demonstrated that the reduction of poverty is one of the most powerful sources of economic growth, equal to innovations. It should be a major economic event, like the post-war Bretton Woods conference, which would define the parameters of the new economic system, be it Capitalisms or other, which is applicable for the realities of 21st-century societies to prosper and to progress. Many economic notions and paradigms shall be reconsidered, including drivers of economic growth, human development indicators, and others.

Rajni Vohra : In your experience, what is the best way to empower women in developing nations?

Angele Bucytec : The best way to empower women in the developing world is education -education for all, for women and for men; and the provision of means of empowerment., e.g. employment, capital, support, and mentoring. Each human being aspires for the realization of their potential, women, as they are more sensitive and feel deeper. The Government and the umbrella policy support are important, nothing will change without this. The publicity is important, as the more we speak, the more it happens. However, along with this, the realization on the ground makes all the difference, and this is the most difficult part to do, as we must go down of the stage, of tribunes, of speeches and oats, and do the work with very concrete examples, with women, who maybe have few resources, feel yet abused and scared, traumatized, not that joyful, but who need to be smartly guided and mentored. The Big Brother/Big Sister approach works here.

Rajni Vohra : Where do you see your current role in helping society?

Angele Bucytec : In my spare time, I do a lot of volunteering. Recently, I do help Ugandan NGO Teyapi4Peace to decrease the poverty, especially of women, in Easter Uganda, to collect funds for girls’ education at schools, training them in advanced farming, etc. I also volunteer as the country chair for Ecocivilisation movement of G100 Chair Violeta Bulc. Being a certified Laudato Si animator, I do another affordable helping, as people come along. Apart from this, I work for a Lithuanian environmental agency to make societies CO2 emissions-free, and run Transatlantic Club Climate Alfa, aiming at advanced climate analytics, where we generously welcome women from the developing world to be part of our Club.

Rajni Vohra : What impact do you envisage and aim for through your work?

Angele Bucytec : I would envisage that my impact is for societies to be more justful and peaceful in all respects, more respectful and involving, braver and speaking up. Because, one person can do a lot, due to a good example, the role model spreads along while leaving a legacy and memories for generations. I have read that one peaceful thought can peacefully impact 100+ people around. Thus, I would encourage other single fighters, not to be shy, but go and change the world for the better.

Rajni Vohra : Thank you for talking to us.

Women & The World

Martina Puc is a curator of Ecocivilisation Wing Beings in Slovenia taking her call to communicate the richness of interconnectivity of all beings and interdependency with environment. She upgraded her knowledge gained with Bachelor degree in Pharmacy with masters in science and additional specialisation in quality control of medicines, followed by MBA. Her career started at the University with an assistant position in laboratory practice. She worked a couple of years in wholesales of medicines, but left a significant contribution afterwards at the national office for the registration of medicines and medical devices. After a decade in a national regulatory body she was attracted by international scene in IT industry. She is an entrepreneur, leading her own consultancy company, a founder of COVIRIAS academia for community pharmacy, an author of P3 Professional© system for Food Supplements and an author of the Holistic community pharmacy© concept. She is also a head of Institute for Research and Development of Quality.

Read an excerpt from the conversation with Martina Puc

Q1. What is the revolutionary concept of holistic community pharmacy?

The concept of Holistic community pharmacy© is based on its purpose to improve health of every visitor. The shift of acknowledgment that people coming to the Holistic community pharmacy© are visitors and not patients leads to a different communication, where one is not an object but a subject in a consultation process. It means for example that a holistic consultant is taking into account not only the lifestyle of a person, but also their preference for a healing approach. We can mention for example would they like to go into direction of allopathic medicine or would accept also Ayurveda or Homeopathy. Nevertheless the structured consultancy developed to enable the Holistic community pharmacy© concept always starts with a lifestyle of a person, including for example sleeping habits, physical activity and a diet. The wholeness is further supported with a recommendation of all the products that can help improve the health status of a person and other interventions regarding lifestyle. Recommendation can include for example hygiene steps or change in a diet. One of the important roles of a holistic consultant is to evaluate the health status and recommend a visit of a doctor if necessary. Implementation of the Holistic community pharmacy© concept leads to its role of a health information hub with assistance of highly educated personnel.

Q2. According to you, what steps can be taken by the Pharma industry to make medicines & treatment accessible in developing nations?

With support of the Holistic community pharmacy© concept the use of medicines would be even more rationalised and would gain more trust. Many health conditions need nutritional care first which would improve health results.

Q3. Where do you see your current role in helping society?

Thriving society is a healthy society on many levels, where humanity is a foundation. Personal approach to all human beings is possible only on a local level, so we have to improve local sovereignty of health care professionals and institutions. Community pharmacist competences are and should be broader than just dispensing medicines. Every step in the direction of the Holistic community pharmacy© concept is therefore a step to a healthier society and I would like to encourage it with clarifications of a vision on our roles how to help people with respect to them as humans as wholes.

Q4. What impact do you envisage and aim for through your work?

In Slovenia we managed already to implement the concept in a few existing community pharmacies to a level of proof of concept. As a result among other things we received for one of the implementations the Feniks award for the best consultancy project of the year 2019 from Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia, National Association for Management Consulting. Now we are building foundations for the educational program to enable more community pharmacies to join the concept. With all these activities it is demonstrated that the concept is first of all improving health status of people using the services of Holistic community pharmacy©. Even more, we have first calculations, showing the positive impact of the concept on health funds. In addition, medical doctors are relived of a lot of unnecessary visits. And last, but not least, community pharmacists have more job satisfaction with a very positive contribution to a local society. Humanity in health services is one of the bases for a better society.

In the way of escalating the POWER OF PLAY with a Circular Economy Model

The American Academy of Pediatrics in its report: “The Power of Play: Its Pediatric
Role in Improving Young Children’s Development” explains why playing with
parents and other children is critical to building better brains, bodies, and social
bonds for life. Playing improves the abilities to plan, organize, get along with others
and regulate emotions. In addition, it develops language, math, and teamwork
skills. As a consequence, it improves physical and mental health, as it fosters
children’s confidence with safe, stable and profitable relationships, protecting them
from toxic stress, and generating socio-emotional strength.
Toynovo is the first circular and collaborative economy community for toys and
educational materials, matching supply and demand through an intelligent platform
that offers the tools necessary to promote learning through play. The model re-
thinks the ecosystem, acting as a catalyzer to engage fundamental stakeholders in
order to reach the tipping point of democratizing learning through play with +20
partners that promote play in vulnerable communities.

260 million children in the world are growing with toxic stress in vulnerable
communities; 5 million in Colombia. In these communities families and teachers
engage less in playful activities because:
1) They overcome survival problems everyday and this affects their energy and
inner resources to think and act playfully. So they repeat the history of their families
on a on again.
2) They aren´t conscious that actually play and positive relationships can break
poverty cycles. This is well stated by the Harvard Longitudinal Study that
concludes that the only variable required for a profitable, healthy and happy life is
the capacity to construct positive relationships.
3) They don´t have access to materials and “language adequate” tools for cost-
effective learning through play. It is important to take into account that the Ellen
McArthur Foundation, states that 80% of toys end in a landfill. Also, toys production
is one of the most plastic intensive industries and creates +40 million tons of CO2/

This results in more inequity for young children in vulnerable communities, and a
continued history of poverty and distress.
Toynovo was founded in 2019 in Colombia, South America, and has improved play
experiencies for +4000 families through B2C and B2B (schools and companies)
with +3000 references of learning and play materials that are rescued and
recirculated. Much of the references are designed and developed with +50 local
entrepreneurs and artisans.

For the value of one toy, families access 35 toys with Toynovo´s model. The
materials in Toynovo are constantly repaired adding +30 lives to them. 1 toy
rescued = 282 hours of electric light, so Toynovo has rescued 32 tons of CO2.
Paying customers are 70% from middle- and low-income communities, of which,
20% are from low income. They manifest Toynovo is their only opportunity to
access high quality materials at a low cost. Toynovo´s Model is an innovation
because it is:

  • First and only one to match offer and demand of play materials, resulting in a
    cost-effective system that has reached breakeven
  • Only rental program that is adding play inspiration one-to-one, and plans to
    automatize it with the data it has been accumulating
  • Only model combining a market approach that interacts actively with foundations
    and networks
  • Includes a collaborative model, were families and foundations generate income by
    “activating” the materials they don´t use
  • Besides used toy stores, Toynovo has no alternatives in the region. Globally
    there are toy rentals, and toy libraries, but none matching offer and demand.
    The model is to be scaled through distributors and franchises that want to change
    the world, PLAYING. To do so, Toynovo has been advancing in becoming a
    Software as a Service Company, while generating the partnerships needed to
    scale the operation regionally, and then globally.
    If you want to know more about Toynovo, contact [email protected]

A Woman Violinist & Singer | Violin Artist- Gundula Stojanova Gruent Meet Gundula Stojanova Gruen, a virtuoso violinist and singer who has travelled extensively, transcribing melodies that she learned first-hand from Romani and folk musicians.Her unique performance style showcases a technical ability acquired through intensive conservatoire training as well as a colourful and charismatic personality. Her arrangements and compositions, whilst drawing influence from her love and extensive knowledge of Romany Gypsy music, are original and highly personal. Gundula also is a passionate and highly experienced tutor. She loves teaching children and adults of all ages and abilities, inspiring them with her love of making music, her own hard study to master violin technique, and her wide experience of studying classical, jazz, Romani and folk styles the traditional way.

“Mmm” is one of the easiest consonant sounds for babies to make, Sound ‘Ma’ is nearly universal. And almost every language boasts a recognizable form of it; the reason why ‘mother’ word starts with M consonant in majority of the languages.
But no matter what language we speak, the feelings, gratitude for the unconditional love, care, and protection that she has given us, remain unchanged.

Do we still need regular #cancer screening in the era of targeted therapies and precision medicine?
Well…#BreastCancer has been identified as the second major cause of death among #women worldwide. As per data , annual screening substantially brings down the mortality rate by 30% and lowers risk of advanced disease by 40%. Unquestionably, the stage at which diagnosis is made remains a critical factor in recovery, presumably the strongest predictor of recurrences.

A riveting insightful write-up by Nitin Jain gives us the real picture of how abysmally low the health awareness is in India even in urban places, and more so among #females.
Or do you think it’s not just the awareness issue but a matter of sheer priority?