


“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity… Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble.” (Yehuda Berg)
Words are powerful, if you change your words you can change your life- they can make or break a relationship, can create friends and adversaries, can make you renowned or notorious…
Thus pick your words wisely.
For my recent article, I have picked up a topic people don’t talk much about as deemed to be sensitive enough not to be discussed in relations or very easily at large.

Hope most of you find it relatable enough to
express your reactions, thoughts…
Following our objective to support and promote women artists and different forms of art and culture from around the World, here is our next video as part of our endeavours from on behalf of,
we are pleased to share video of a visual artist #SophiaKyriakou from #Greece, a country for known its #ancientcivilization, culture, art, #sculpture and architecture. Greek culture influenced many other #civilizations, and it continues to influence modern cultures today.

Sophia Kyriakou was born in Syros in 1974 and lives and works in Athens Greece. She studied painting at the #Athens School of Fine Arts and in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona University, as Erasmus and in 2019 she finished her Master degree in Applied Clinical Sociology and Arts of Aegean University and of Western Macedonia University. From 2007 to 2011 she taught painting at the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts of Western Macedonia University. Today she is teaching art at a primary school in Athens.

Also she has seven solo shows and participated in various group shows in Greece and abroad.

#contemporary #public #art #studio #work #ino #exhibition #graffiti #urban #street #artwork #mural #painting #sketch #drawing #gallery #inoexpo #visualartist #artandculture #crossculture #greece2021 #unesco #culturaldiversity #culturalexchange

Woman Artist from Israel | Israeli singing In Hindi|Indian Classical By Israeli Keren Porat Snapir WahWoman is featuring women artists from across the World to showcase their talent on its global women platform WahWoman, ( with an objective to support them and promote their art around the World . As part of our endeavour, we are pleased to share video of #KerenPoratSnapir, A musician, singer/song writer, vocal trainer & a vocalist of Indian Classical & World music from #Israel. Keren, a singer from Israel began a new musical journey on 1998 in India. Looking back, she feels it was a turning point in her life. Keren received a scholarship from #ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) to learn Indian classical music in India, she joined the revered ‘#GandharvaMahavidyalaya’, New-Delhi. Along with her Academic studies she had her training in Mumbai under the tutelage of late Vidushi late Smt #VeenaSahasrabuddhe. She completed her six years course (#Visharad-B.A.) in May, 2005. Keren present in her performances and workshops around the world Indian classical music, Sufi music, #Bhajans, #Kirtans and #Mantras in #Sanskrit and #Hebrewlanguages. #KerenPoratSnapir Follow Karen on her youtube channel…

Don’t leave something good to find something better. When you realize you had the best , the best has found better.
Drake Graham

But I reconstructed the quote the way exactly I experienced things in my life to make it feel more relatable :
Don’t leave something good till the time you achieve something better. Be wise to identify the better one, be it of good or the best. 
Rajni Vohra

This write-up of mine “OLD HABITS DIE HARD, BUT…”is far more than a narrative of health or water as it may appear initially so.
It has more to deal with #humanpsychology, subconscious mind, learning essentially #unlearning and #relearning and #behaviours .
Here I have made an endeavor to share my own experience on complications and challenges that stemmed from a #habitchange .
Would love to hear your experiences that you had while introducing any change in your habits.


Every year, International Daughters day is observed on the fourth Sunday of September, with a sincere wish and earnest belief to cherish the significance of having daughters and break the stigma, eliminate unfounded fear associated with the birth of a girl child that still grips many societies,nations where the news of a new born girl child is still unpleasant, nothing less than a curse for the family and invariably viewed as a befallen liability.
As usual, my fact checking tendency to measure reality vs illusion as to where we have landed now after generations of discrimination, how much we have evolved as a civilized society and human beings- I flipped through some gender ration reports to stay in sync with the transition occurred till now in the 2021 census in India.
Not surprisingly, the state(#Kerala) with the highest literacy as well (96.2 percent literate) which always remained on top showed the highest #sexratio in 2021 census too (1084** females per 1000 males). On the contrary, the state with the lowest sex ratios are Haryana , historically had one of the lowest sex ratios in the country–it had 833 girls for 1,000 boys at birth in 2011, according to the government’s Civil Registration System (CRS) data. However, not to deny or understate the phenomenal improvement that the state has achieved in the current sex ratio which has now jumped to – #Haryana features the lowest sex ratio in India with just 877*** women per 1000 males (according to census 2021 data).
According to some reports, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has estimated that the natural sex ratio at birth is about 952 females to every 1,000 males.
Let me also specify that pointing fingers at males only in any society is extremely unfair as an accusation for holding them responsible for this gap in the sex ratio- because in my observation, in society like ours, women have been equally unwelcoming for a female child many a times, (including so called urban, educated, independent sometimes as well, wondering??) and a bunch of other females around them expressing sympathy after arrival of a female child, an unfathomable narrative, an indication of something seriously erroneous, more grave, deeper irreparable within the society as a whole, that makes me seriously sick to the stomach.
Unquestionably, this census report is an unadulterated reflection, an eye opener of the shift as nation it made from being an orthodox, patriarchal society which upheld its obsession for a male child for centuries, that was once entrenched across the nation.
though, still a long way to go!

#WahWoman #Ecocivilisation #genderequality #gendergap #togetherwecan
#women #equality #society #diversity

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

(Mahatma Gandhi)

In today’s World, It has become sort of a rare phenomenon to know beings who are in complete alignment with their thoughts, words and actions. Our views, in general, about those who have tendency to stay aligned with these three components or trinity is their portrayal that speaks a volume about their values, culture- essentially viewed a highly desirable trait in social beings that externally helps them to garner trust by sticking to their words, demonstrate reverence towards others by remaining committed to their words through their actions. Thus such folks are often tagged as being highly reliable, trustworthy and affable beings. In general, humans manipulative tendencies are largely responsible for causing such intentional disordersHowever, more than externally, the influence of alignment is far more deeper internally in shaping individual’s character, personality, establishing perspective about self (self-image) and elevating inner pleasantness that lasts beyond fleeting experiences -needed to keep harmony with others and self!What can be more hollow character than the one who thinks something else, tells something else and does entirely different from that, and all that happens, not inadvertently, but with well thought strategies in search of unscrupulous gains .Above all, it disrupts the flow of life energy.My learning from life -Say ONLY what you really mean-

1.Let’s decide what we want to do ( Plans, thoughts, strategies, decisions…)

2.Let’s only share with the World( if you want to) what we have decided (Words, commitment)

3. Let’s do what we said ( Action) with no gaps between Words, Thoughts and Actions.

The more we align our words and our deeds, the clearer we are in expressing our truth in the world, and the more powerful we are in bringing it into reality.


A perfect place to meet

a rising star!

  1. Who is a Roving Chic

          Ans.  A Travel Vlogger

  1. Why Travel Vlogs

          Ans. Because I love travelling the most.

  1. Your favourite place so far?

           Ans. Sissu, Himachal Pradesh

  1. Your phone brand you shoot with?

            Ans. Iphone

  1. Biggest pet peeve for a Vlogger?

         Ans.  Finding clean, budget hotels

  1. Three best travel tips

        Ans.  a.     Indulge in local food

        b. Carry a first-aid kit and always know a medical facility near your stay.

        c.    interact with localites

  1. The best comment you ever heard about your Vlogs

            Ans. ‘’ Your vlogs inspire us to travel’’

  1. Success Mantra to be a successful vlogger?

            Ans. Consistency, consistency and consistency

  1. Your next destination

         Ans.  Jaipur and Jodhpur

Follow ‘the roving chic’ @the.roving.chic and @youtube

Contact us today for publishing and business inquiries

Fatalism is the lazy man’s way of accepting the inevitable.

Natalie Clifford Barney

I have come across countless folks in my life who appeared deeply exhausted mentally and depleted emotionally despite having solvable complexities in their lives. Most of the times, though, the cause did appear more intrinsic than extrinsic, but their temptations to put blame on external unseen forces made them subconsciously seekers of sympathy from people around them, deep- down a ‘fatalist’; a puppet of supreme powers with sealed destiny which at times made me think : Is he justified in thinking so or is there something else beyond it?

I always viewed getting acquainted with different kinds of peeps as a great opportunity to learn, understand more about people, perspective, life and what not; who came from different spaces of life, strikingly different demographics, contrast perspectives, diverse cultures, incomprehensible languages, unknown ethnicity and so on , right from the one who claimed being ‘ a self-made wo(man)’ who ran against all odds eventually ending up creating history to those who had totally surrendered themselves to the will of celestial powers. Though, in these two extreme categories of people, I observed two different patterns of actions and thinking.
1. People who constantly considered themselves ill-destined dwelling more on concerns, worries, negative thoughts coming from the failures of the past contrary to the hardworking successful beings who continuously focused on futuristic thinking and took their past failures as lessons to grow.
2. Both of them have a very different outlook towards the life:Individuals lingering on past & brooding over ‘why only me had to face it’ whereas the whole world seemed to enjoy everything, focusing on just discovering new problems sticking them in past Vs people who indulged in solutions-oriented approach to sort out things and march ahead by either eradicating odds completely or mitigating the influence of odds.
3. Risk – A huge difference; the former always dreads crossing the boundaries of safety and security woven by themselves only mentally; having almost zero risk taking ability.
4.  Some other traits are listed below based on my observation and interactions:

Creating a comfort zone around them at different levels-

 Subconsciously always made fatalists giving lame excuses to others to defend themselves.

5.  Zero time and money investment on upskilling kept the former way behind the World.
6.  Lack of the ability to do genuine self-introspection, living constantly in denial mode. 
7. Surrounded by a bunch of enablers who feed off their false ideology expressing sympathy towards them, making them feel justified in their thinking and actions keeping them in the unending loop of feeling victimized.

8.  Being utterly focused on what they don’t have rather than what they have.
9.   Baseless comparisons fueling negativity & envy.
10. Adopting shortcuts or unscrupulous means bypassing legit or desirable practices.
11. Zero or no patience to see things turning around in their favor; having baseless expectations like happening miracles.
12.  Expecting exponential returns with negligible investments (in all spheres of life).
13.   Staying skeptical about others and filled with self-doubts.
14.  Just thinking,  either no, or very little action.

15.   Lack of perseverance and resilience.

Whether fate, luck, destiny or whatever you may term it, is an illusion, mental construction or some real unseen force, has been and will always be a debatable question. There can’t be a definite answer to it. Various philosophers, sages, gurus have made attempts to decode it,  tried solving this mystery since time immemorial. However, we can’t deny the unfairness of life which is not uniform to all (Period).

The world has witnessed enough in last two years- loss of lives, fatal pandemic, killings in civil wars, dreadful violence, political turbulence, frustration, economic and financial crisis, job loss, shutting down of rising businesses, massive loss to companies, startups, so on… affecting lives of each and everyone in some way or the other in different degrees. However, not to forget that there are examples of exceptional resilience as well which led many individuals to rebuild themselves from the scratch with new hopes and ideas during this period.

I personally believe that with consistent efforts, right approach, constructive attitude and positive mindset things can get far better if not the best, life can become much smoother if not lavish, one can create enough wealth to live happily if not like an elite.

There are certainly many things in life which are not in our hands, but that doesn’t mean everything. Does it?

#womensequalityday2021 #womensequalityday
It is an established fact that gender inequalities severely hurt not only individual, social & economic development of a society, or nation but also shows its impact on overall human behaviour, thus affecting the World from all the angles.
Gender equality works at breaking the stereotypes of the patriarchal society. However, the good news is that in past few years not only developed western countries , but many countries with weaker economies, conservative culture have also seen and understood the need to maintain gender equality to steadily progress at all the levels.
Nonetheless, to assess and gauge as to how much work is actually happening at the ground level, I went through some intriguing studies substantiated with facts, figures, diagram, leaving almost no stone unturned to give enough glimpses to do a reality check.

#WahWoman #Ecocivilisation #society #gender #diversity #genderequality #leadership

#wahwoman#wahwomanperspectives#Season2#Love#Ecocivilisation#humanbeings Most of us are very lucky to have at least one person in our life with whom we can share our feeling and thoughts without the any filter ,fear of being judged , mocked or spilling the beans to the whole world .According to an intriguing scientific fact” in general people lose about half of the friends and replace them with new ones after about seven years.” However, my personal experience about friendship has nothing been like this.Unquestionably, genuine friends always enrich our life in every possible way, strengthens us, both emotionally and mentally.But how difficult it is to find a true friend in times of social media? Has anything changed about the perception about friendship? With such queries, I met some girls, here is what they have to say, watch it!