


Natalija Panova

Alisa Eshet Moses

Vanessa Lum

Nirmala Devi

Surbhi Manocha Chaoudhary

Slendy Diaz

Devaki Jadli

Raissa Rossiter

Meenakshi Ahuja

Kateryna ilikchiieva

Sunita Mahesh Kulkarni

Dr. Shubhada Joshi

Sejal Ray

Cherish this sweet bond and relive your memories on this #FathersDay with WahWoman

he is her father’s pride, and always will be…Daughters share a very special bond with their fathers. Your father might be your biggest strength, the reason for your smiles, for your success, confidence, motivation, and your hero…Let’s acknowledge and appreciate their affection and support in our life on this Father’s Day, We’re inviting all (women) viewers worldwide to share a photo memory of you with your father and tell us in one line- Why your father is your Hero?

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