Gender has been discussed and presented in various ways depending on the purpose associated with it. However, with the 28 years of experience of Rajashri Rajashekhar who has been the Sociologist, HR professional, Entrepreneur, Founder member of two colleges for Bharati Vidyapeeth and Gender Neutrality Researcher combined with her Life’s journey has discovered the Unique Journey of our being viz Gender Matrix (Key finding of her research). She can predict the Gender Cycle of every person using various tools and techniques. As a researcher, she has been able to cut across her work into #Leadership, Workplaces, Youth, Women, Men, #LGBT & supporting #HeforShe-UN Women Initiatives for the past 7 years. She is a Trainer for Maharashtra Police, POSH consultant, Counselor for youth & women in distress, Gender Neutral Leadership, Culture Building & Gender Neutral Women Leadership Trainer.
We were very delighted to have Rajashri Rajashekhar, President – CIMSME – Mumbai, ED-Cluster, Gender Neutral Workplaces, Mindsets on #WahWoman, an exemplary woman, a stalwart-driving Poornam Foundation as a purpose of her life.