agenda the country has adopted several laws and mechanisms to advance gender equality the law of equal opportunity for men and women oblige public institutions to ensure
equal rights and opportunities for both genders so according to UN reports the Republic of Macedonia showed that only 12 percent of women in rural areas are landowners and less than 10 percent have decision-making roles related to land. While women in agriculture work on average 11.06 hours per day, 41.7% of the total workload belongs to unpaid work (Source: so there’s a huge difference joined us a wonderful woman from North Macedonia. Joined us, Daniela Antonovska on #WahWoman (, a gender equality expert as well as a consultant in North Macedonia. Watch it:
#genderpaygaps #genderdiversity #genderbalance #womenequality #inclusion #womenleadership #womeninworkforce #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #genderdiversity #nitiayog #un_women #WHO #UNICEF #EIGE #leavenoonebehind #unesco #womanatarian #unwomenindia #globalgoals #sdgs #EuropeanCommission #europeancouncil #EuropeanUnion
To know more about gender equality in the republic of Macedonia, visit the following links: