Gender equality is about “equal opportunity”. For any progressive society, it is imperative to make sure that no one faces any barriers to legal, social, and political opportunities due to their gender.
Have had the privilege to hold an insightful, engaging and thought-provoking conversation on various aspects – #GenderEquality #SocialStereotypes #Ecocivilisation #WomenInMobility
with Violeta Bulc, the epitome of effective leadership, an exceptional role model, a true visionary, and an inspirational woman. Watch it on #WahWoman
#women #womenleadership #diversityandinclusion #womeninworkforce #womenentrepreneurs #womenleaders #womenempowerment #genderdiversity #nitiayog #un_women #WHO #UNICEF #EIGE #leavenoonebehind #unesco #womanatarian #unwomenindia #globalgoals #sdgs #EuropeanCommission #Slovenia #europeancouncil #EuropeanUnion
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